For your friend, send them the birthday message with the image that captures all your thoughts!
Friends make the world go round. In high school, friends embrace your weirdness and join in. In college, they are the people who answer a door knock at 12 am and keep you well supplied with coffee during finals. At work, they snicker with you over lunch and break up the tedious day. Friends are the neighbors who grace your table on Christmas, the running partner you see every Saturday. The person you only talk to on social media but you know everything about.
For your friend’s birthday this year, no matter how you met, how often you call, or how new the relationship, send them a message. Friends are the people who have encouraged you to do the scary things in your life, who made the bad days better and will never, ever let you live down embarrassing mistakes.
Life might be full of surprises that can overwhelm you, but with friends at your side, you can conquer the world. Let your friend know on their birthday you couldn’t have asked for a better partner in crime with these fabulous birthday messages.
1. Happy Birthday. May life never cease to surprise you! May all your dreams come true. And, may you always know you have a friend in me.

Send this May All Your Dreams Come True! Happy Birthday Card for Friends
2. Happy Birthday My Friend! Today is a day to celebrate you, so make it special and surround yourself with everything that makes you feel like the stars you are!

Send this A Day to Celebrate You – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
3. Happy Birthday. A friend as special as you deserves to be celebrated today and every day. I hope the year brings many wonderful new adventures your way!

4. Happy Birthday. Live beautifully. Love generously. Laugh freely. Thanks for being a fantastic friend. I hope this year brings you the best that life has to offer.

Send this Live Beautifully – Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
5. To My Friend, Happy Birthday. If friends were flowers, I’d pick you! I hope your day is filled with joy, love & many special wishes.

6. Happy Birthday, My Friend!

7. Happy Birthday To My Dear Friend. You are a true soul sister and kindred spirit. May your birthday be full of light and love-just like you.

Send this You are a True Soul Sister – Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
8. Happy Birthday. A friend is someone who: Loves your crazy. Indulges your wild. And, embraces your folly. Here’s to more adventures.

Send this To More Adventures! Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
9. Happy Birthday. I cherish your friends

Send this I Cherish Your Friendship – Happy Birthday Wishes Card
10. Happy Birthday. You’re such a wonderful friend. I hope your day is one big celebration from beginning to end!

11. To My Friend, Happy Birthday. The cake is frosted. The candles are lit. All that’s left is a special wish for a wonderful person who means the world to me!

Send this You Mean The World To Me – Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
12. Happy Birthday To My Friend. Your friendship is the very best gift of all. I hope you get exactly what you’ve been wishing for this year.

Send this Friendship is the Best Gift – Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
13. To a great friend, I’m so glad you were born! You make the world a more beautiful place. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Send this Fresh & Fun Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
14. Happy Birthday to an awesome, terrific, straight up fabulous friend! Wishing you a bright and beautiful birthday!

15. Anything Can Happen Once The Birthday Turtle Arrives. Hope Your Day Is Full Of Surprises.. Happy Birthday Friend

16. Happy Birthday. To an Amazing Friend, I wish you a day full of surprises and a year full of fun! Have a great birthday!

Send this Colorful Stars Happy Birthday Wishes Card for Friends
17. Happy Birthday. With each year that passes by, I am even more grateful to have you as my friend. Have an awesome birthday!

18. Happy Birthday. To my fun friend, On this very special day, hope you are among family, friends, and of course, birthday cake!

19. Happy Birthday. As you celebrate yet another birthday, think about all you have accomplished this past year, and all the goals you have achieved. Have a wonderful birthday, my friend!

20. Happy Birthday. On this joyous day, I’m sending a birthday wish your way! So happy to have a friend like you in my life.

Send this Happy to Have You! Happy Birthday Card for Friends
21. Happy Birthday Friend! The sky is the limit for what you can achieve this year! Have a fun birthday!

22. Happy Birthday. To my good friend, Have the best birthday ever, and save a piece of cake for me!

23. Happy Birthday. Hey friend, I’ve gathered the gang, so let’s this party started because it’s time to celebrate your birthday!

Send this Time to Celebrate! Happy Birthday Card for Friends
24. Happy Birthday! You’re a shining example of what a friend should be. I hope all your wishes come true.

Send this Friendship is Golden – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
25. Happy Birthday To A Superstar Friend. I hope your celebration is glittery, bright & filled with lots of wonderful surprises!

26. Happy Birthday. A friend as cool as you deserves a celebration that’s totally bananas! (And I’m not monkeying around.)

27. In honor of your birthday, I invited every party animal I know… And they all agree, you’re the biggest one there is! Happy Birthday to My Wildest Friend

Send this To the Biggest Party Animal – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
28. The whole crew’s here to celebrate you turning another year more awesome! Happy Birthday to a Friend Who’s Ageless

29. Happy Birthday To My Dear Friend. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel…and I have a feeling you’ll be partying all through the night! (For you that’s about 8pm, right?)

30. Happy Birthday. There’s no other friend quite like you. I hope this year’s celebration is the sweetest one yet!

31. Happy Birthday. Shimming, warm, and bright. There’s no better way to celebrate a birthday. Here’s to you, my friend!

32. Happy Birthday. Put your hands in the air and wave them around! It’s your birthday and you, my friend, deserves to party your heart out.

Send this Release the Balloons! Happy Birthday Card for Friends
33. Happy Birthday. It’s not Wine-Down-Wednesday, but a birthday is an even better reason to pour a glass. Cheers to you, my friend!

Send this Get the Party Started – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
34. Happy Birthday To My Friend. Cheers to another year! Indulge in all life has to offer today and enjoy the party!

Send this Cheers to Another Year – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
35. Happy Birthday To My Brilliant Friend. You’re a breath of fresh air, the pick-me-up of my life. Our friendship means so much to me, and so I’m wishing you an amazing year ahead.

36. Happy Birthday Friend. Thank you for dealing with my thorns and helping me grow. Life would have been stunted without you as my best friend.

37. Happy Birthday To My Beautiful Friend. From silly songs to daring deeds, you’ve been an important part of my life. Thank you and have an awesome birthday!

Send this Have an Awesome Day – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
38. Happy Birthday To My Fabulous Friend. You have transformed my life into a garden of color. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.

Send this A Garden of Color – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
39. Happy Birthday. I couldn’t let you have a birthday party without fireworks! Enjoy your day, my friend! No one is more worthy.

Send this No One is More Worthy – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
40. Happy Birthday, Friend! Your arrival in my life was loud and bright, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. You make life more beautiful.

Send this You Make Life More Beautiful – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
41. Happy Birthday. No one lights up my life like you! Happy birthday to the best friend in the world.

Send this You Lights up my Life – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
42. Happy Birthday To My Fantastic Friend. To the many more years of friendship before us! May we never stop make each other laugh.

43. Happy Birthday. My life wouldn’t be the same without you, my friend. Our times together glow with laughter and light. I wish you the same feeling x1000 on your special day!

44. Happy Birthday, Friend! I wish you cake. I wish you cookies. I wish you presents. I wish you the best birthday a woman could ask for!

45. Happy Birthday Friend! Every time I see you, drab days turn into champagne days. Here’s to you on your birthday! May the fun flow all day.

46. Happy Birthday Friend! Today is your shinning day! Nothing is beyond your reach, so aim high.

47. Happy Birthday, Friend! From our awkward years to our golden years, I could not have asked for a better partner-in-crime.

Send this To my Best Treasure – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
48. Happy Birthday. To My Cool Friend! Have a super day, a terrific year, and a fun celebration. Hope it’s a good one!

49. Happy Birthday. Wishing my great friend a birthday filled with family, good friends, presents, and the best birthday cake ever.

50. Happy Birthday. I’m thankful that our paths crossed so many years ago because someone like you is certainly worth being a forever friend. Wishing you a fantastic birthday celebration.

Send this A Fantastic Celebration! Happy Birthday Card for Friends
51. Happy Birthday. To My Best Friend! So glad I have a great friend like you, someone who likes to go shopping as much as I do! Wishing you an exceptional birthday.

Send this To My Best Friend – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
52. Happy Birthday. Thinking of you, my special friend, on your birthday, and letting you know how much our friendship means to me today. You are truly wonderful and I’m so thankful that you are in my life!

Send this Thankful for You – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
53. Happy Birthday To You. Sending special birthday wishes to you so that you may have a terrific day! Thank you for being such a great friend over all these years, I don’t know what I would have done without you!

54. Happy Birthday. Thinking of you on your birthday, my dear friend, and wishing you the most fabulous day. You deserve it!

55. Happy Birthday! Hey friend, sending a message loud and clear that I wish you a happy birthday and an awesome year! Enjoy your day!

Send this Colorful Pop Art – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
56. Happy Birthday. To My Wonderful Friend! You have been a good friend from the very start. You are there for me when I need a helping hand, you brighten my day when I need a good laugh, and you make me realize just how special it is to have such a wonderful friend like you in my life.

Send this Rainbow & Butterflies – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
57. Happy Birthday. To My Terrific Friend! It’s time to let the celebration begin because today is your big day! Enjoy the festivities, and the cake too!

58. Happy Birthday. To My Awesome Friend! Another birthday, another year we have been friends. Thanks for all the good times! I hope your birthday wishes come true!

59. To My Lovely Friend! Sending a message of cheer your way and hoping you receive lots of fun presents on your special day! Happy Birthday!

60. Happy Birthday. Hey friend, it’s your big day to go out and celebrate! Have tons of fun, enjoy a few good birthday drinks, and remember that this day is all about you!

Send this Celebration Drinks – Happy Birthday Card for Friends
61. Happy Birthday. To My Fun Friend! I couldn’t have asked for a better friend than you. Thanks for all the super fun times and for always being there for me no matter what! Enjoy your special day!

62. Title: Love Friend – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send Love Friend – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
63. Title: Best Wishes For Friend – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Best Wishes For Friend – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
64. Title: Stars & Love – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Stars & Love – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
65. Title: Elephants & Birds – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Elephants & Birds – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
66. Title: Abstract Birthday – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Abstract Birthday – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
67. Title: Flowers & Crown – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Flowers & Crown – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
68. Title: Once A Year – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Once A Year – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
69. Title: Emojis Party – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this Emojis Party – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
70. Title: All You Need – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this All You Need – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
71. Title: From Us – Happy Birthday Friend Cards

Send this From Us – Happy Birthday Friend Cards
From encouraging your wild side to surprising you with candy, you would have been lost without your friend. Their friendship is all you could ever want. Let them know for your friend’s birthday that you wish them many adventures in the upcoming year. Someone as special as them deserves nothing else! They’re a diamond in the rough, for dealing with you.
Celebrate the day with any of these birthday messages for friends and get ready for a fantastic party. All that’s left is to grab the cake and candles.